Déjà Lu ?




*** Free and without publicity ****Application Already Lu? allows you to store a list of books you own or you have already read.Youve may have already asked if you had read or if you have a book that you see in a shop or library, to know, nothing more simple, launch the application Already Lu? then scan the bar code, you instantly know whether you have read or own this book.When launching the application you can:1. See the number of owned books.2. Research your library from a bar code scanned3. Do a search in your library from one or more keywords.4. Go to your library (all books possessed or read)5. Add a new book to your library.6. Manage book categories7. Go to wish listIt will be possible to edit the profile of a book, to delete or assign characteristics (classes, read, owned, eBook) and the note.To add a book you can either:• Scan the barcode (the filling is automatic) and click Rec. (The top right disk) - An Internet connection is required• Enter the title (few words) and / or the author without entering the barcode and start the search• Enter the bar code or ISBN No. Book and start the search - An internet connection is required• Manually enter the information. In which case the addition of the coverage is not possible, we must, however, indicating either the ISBN or the number of the bar code (in the bar code field) to that data integrity is maintained.